Author Archives: mkreader

New Year Coffee Morning

It was lovely to see so many of you at our most recent coffee morning back in January.  The pleasantly mild weather brought many of you out and we welcomed approximately 120 people to Peartree Bridge for tea, coffee and cake, ably served as ever by our wonderful kitchen helpers.


It was a great opportunity to catch up with old friends and share stories and experiences as well as meeting new people with shared interests.



Once again we would like to thank Marilyn and Veronica for their fantastic work on the Raffle, the funds from which easily cover the running costs of the event.  A huge thank you to everyone who contributed prizes too!


Thank you too to Steve Neale for playing us out on his guitar.



More pictures in the Gallery and we look forward to seeing you at all our 30th Anniversary events as the year progresses.  Keep an eye on our Events postings!





Who knew what talents were lurking within our membership – well, it was wonderful to see a few brave souls strutting their stuff at our Christmas Cabaret afternoon.

Ably compered by Alison Statham with technical support from Martyn Lycett, we were treated to poetry: more classical from Liz Roe and Judy Smith and less classical from Pauline Sheers and Alison Statham.

Sally Easton treated us to some beautiful flute playing and the “Ladies Who Sing” entertained us with a wonderful acapella set.  Steve Nealle kept us all spellbound with his rendition of Fleetwood Mac’s Albatross on his guitar.

Rather unexpectedly,  Stephen Harrison, our esteemed treasurer  presented a very amusing rendition of Benny Hill’s Ernie: the Fastest Milkman in the West.




We were able to feel the festive spirit while singing Christmas carols accompanied by Fadin’ Shoes who also played a few of their own interpretations of seasonal music.  






Thank you to Paula Suchy for organising the event and to all those who, as always, so ably assisted with the quiz, the raffle and the refreshments.  Perhaps this could become an annual event?  If you have talents to share, please let us know and next time, it could be you…..!